Friday Morning Music Club
May 18, 2012

Taketombo ni (To a Toy Bamboo Helicopter) by Makiko Kinoshita
mp3 file
Io son l'umie ancella from Adriana Lecouvreur by F. Cilea
mp3 file
Kimiko Shimada, soprano
Maiko Chiba, piano

Family Christmass Concert
December 23, 2011

Photo courtesy of Gravity Free Photography

Maiko Chiba (left)Kimiko Shimada (right)

Japanese Stone Lantern Lighting Ceremony
on April 8, 2012 during the National Cherry Blossom Festival

100th Anniversary Cherry Blossom Grand Ball
April 13, 2012

Kimiko Shimada sang a solo at "A Prayer for Japan," a special ceremony that Washington National Cathedral gave for the victims of the Japanese March 11 Tsunami Desaster
April 11, 2011
"A Prayer for Japan" (Youtube)
open in a new frame

Washington National Cathedral Donovan Marks, photographer

Sakura sakura arranged by Maiko Chiba
mp3 file
Kimiko Shimada, soprano
Maiko Chiba, piano

Recital at the Lyceum
October 10,2011

Photo courtesy of Gravity Free Photography

Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore from Tosca by G. Puccini
mp3 file
Kimiko Shimada, soprano
Maiko Chiba, piano